Agent Mona (2020)
Agent Mona is a 2020 action short film about a skilled female detective tasked with a dangerous mission to eliminate an international terrorist named Masood Khan. The character, Mona, is known for her ability to infiltrate enemy lines while harboring a dark side, which makes her a complex and unpredictable figure. The film explores how far she is willing to go to complete her mission. It was directed by Chetan Sharma and produced by Rudra Kaushish under the Rekha G Films banner​
Director: Anna Mastro
Genre: Action, Adventure, comedy
Tags: Secret Society of Second Born Royals
Cast: Aisha Evelyna, Alli Chung, Anthony Massullo, Ashley Liao, C.J. Dubé, Chloe Avakian, Courtenay Taylor, Crista Russo, Derry Robinson, Elika Tahary, Elodie Yung, Faly Rakotohavana