Kantara (2022)
"Kantara" is a 2022 Kannada action-thriller film directed by Rishab Shetty, who also plays the lead role. Set in a rural village in Karnataka, the film intricately weaves local folklore and traditions into its narrative, exploring themes of spirituality, justice, and the connection between humans and nature.
The story revolves around a young man who becomes embroiled in a conflict between the villagers and external forces threatening their land and cultural heritage. As he navigates this struggle, he uncovers deep ties to his ancestral roots and the land, leading to a gripping confrontation.
With its powerful storytelling, stunning cinematography, and engaging performances, "Kantara" has received acclaim for its rich portrayal of rural life and cultural themes. The film's blend of action, drama, and traditional elements makes it a significant contribution to contemporary Indian cinema.
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Genre: Action, Adventure, Thriller
Cast: Achyuth Kumar, Kishore, Manasi Sudhir, Prakash Tuminadu, Pramod Shetty, Rishab Shetty, Sapthami Gowda, Shanil Guru, Shine Shetty, Vinay Bidappa