One Shot (2021)
"One Shot," directed by James Nunn, is a gripping action thriller released in 2021. Starring Scott Adkins, Ashley Greene, and Ryan Phillippe, the film is set in a high-stakes scenario that unfolds in real-time, keeping audiences on the edge of their seats.
Plot Overview
The story revolves around an elite team of Navy SEALs who are sent to extract a group of hostages held by terrorists on a remote island. As the operation unfolds, things go awry, leading to a tense standoff. The film follows the team as they navigate unexpected challenges and work against the clock to save the hostages and themselves.
Director: Christiaan Faberij de Jonge, Danny Scott-Smith, James Nunn
Genre: Action
Tags: One Shot (2021)
Cast: Alana Maria, Andrei Maniata, Ashley Greene, Colin Michael Rance, Dan Styles, Dimitris Kafataris, Dino Kelly, Duncan Casey, Efeosa Afolabi, Emmanuel Imani, Jack Parr, Jake Nwogu