Roald Dahl's The Witches (2020)
Roald Dahl's The Witches is a 2020 dark fantasy comedy horror film directed by Robert Zemeckis. The story follows a young boy who, along with his grandmother, encounters a group of witches led by the Grand High Witch, who despises children and plans to turn them into mice. The film stars Anne Hathaway, Octavia Spencer, and Chris Rock, and it takes place in 1960s Alabama, providing a fresh setting compared to previous adaptations​
Director: Giulia Patanè, Jason Inman, Lee Grumett, Lizzie Pritchard, Mark Hopkins, Robert Zemeckis
Tags: Roald Dahl's The Witches
Cast: Abi Adeyemi, Amber Flanagan, Ana Maria Maskell, Anastasia Zabarchuk, Angus Wright, Anne Hathaway, Brian Bovell, Charles Edwards, Chris Rock, Codie-Lei Eastick, Cyril Nri, Dempsey Bovell